Sunday, February 8, 2015

 10 Ways to Spend $10 to Help and Empower Women
     As the release of Fifty Shades of Grey nears, I cringe as I consider how much damage may occur as a result of young women receiving a message that dominance, abuse, and perversion serve as romance in a relationship.  What if instead of spending $10 at the movie theatre, women spent $10 to help women?  Think of the good that could come from thousands of women not only shunning a degrading “entertainment” offering but also lifting their voices and opening their pocketbooks to lift and support their sisters.  When you’re deciding what to do with your time and money this weekend, consider your power to lift others higher and to make our world a better place for all women.

1       Make a donation to the YWCA in memory of a woman who exemplifies strength.

2    Purchase one of the Wish List items for a Women’s Shelter and deliver it:

3     Honor someone special by making a gift in their name to fund grants used to promote education for women in Oklahoma.

4     Help provide free mammograms by donating here:

5     Assemble a cosmetic or hygiene kit and donate it to women who are working to overcome addiction:

6     Purchase an item of maternity clothing and donate it to help women who are experiencing unexpected pregnancy:

7     Provide transportation to a medical appointment to an elderly woman:

8     Contribute to an organization that helps women start micro-businesses that generate lasting income:

9     Donate medical supplies or over-the-counter medication to a free medical clinic:

1      Gather supplies for a new baby and donate them: